Charity Calendar (Raffle)

A new raffle everyday of the year!

$20 per Calendar. $20 enters you into a drawing a day for 365 days for cash prizes!

You can win more than once! You could win 365 times!

Your ticket stays in the raffle everyday - even if you previously won!

$15,970 in Cash Prizes

Buy and Sell a Charity Calendar.

Proceeds benefit Marquette Council and its Charitable Programs.

Help support Marquette Council by purchasing and selling Charity Calendars.

Prizes and Drawing Day

$2,000 on Columbus Day.

$1,000 on New Year’s Day.

$250 on April 1 & December 1.

$150 on the 1st day of Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jly, Aug, Sept, Oct, & Nov.

$100 on every Saturdays (51 drawings).

$20 on all other days (301 drawings).


Paul Gagnet at

Paul Montagnet at

The list of daily winners is posted each month at or

Make your check payable to Marquette Council 1437.